Fix the Unfair Two-Tier Tax System

Corporations and the ultra-rich have manipulated the federal tax code to drain money from the economy, reduce investments in rural communities, and look the other way as corporations get richer at the expense of clean water, air, and land. The wealthiest households...

Credit and Lending

Small business owners need access to credit to grow their businesses, but access to credit is more challenging than ever.

Schools, Education, and Child Care

Communities depend on public schools so that students can acquire the skills and knowledge to be ready to seize their future, but rural school districts face persistent staffing problems, and rural educators often have qualification gaps when compared to their urban...
Healthcare Access

Healthcare Access

People living in rural communities are more likely to be uninsured, to face barriers to accessing lifesaving health care, and to die from pregnancy-related complications than their nonrural counterparts, due to lack of insurance coverage, affordability, poor access to...