Nevada state legislators on an agriculture tour hosted by State Innovation Exchange and local farmers.
Invest in foundational infrastructure for thriving communities
Rural people have an independent spirit and value self-reliance. We also understand that every family needs a basic foundation to build a good life for themselves and thriving communities for everyone. One of the most important things our government can do is ensure everyone, no matter the color of their skin or where they live, has that foundation — including access to quality, affordable healthcare, education, child care, and housing.Issue Priorities
Fix the Unfair Two-Tier Tax System
Corporations and the ultra-rich have manipulated the federal tax code to drain money from the economy.
Credit and Lending
Small business owners need access to credit to grow their businesses.
Schools, Education, and Child Care
Communities depend on public schools so that students can acquire the skills and knowledge they need to seize the future.
Healthcare Access
State and federal policies to ensure we all have affordable and quality health care.
Protect and Strengthen the United States Postal Service (USPS)
The postal service is an essential part of rural life. And yet, it could be much more.
Safe and Affordable Housing
Many rural communities are facing a severe housing crisis.
Rebuild Local Government and Institutional Capacity
Invest in the local governments, schools, and institutions that help a community thrive.
Broadband Reliability and Access
Many rural Americans do not have a broadband internet connection at home and can’t access high-speed internet.
Access to Farmland
Farmland prices nearly doubled from and over 2,000 acres in the U.S. convert to nonfarm use every day.
Create Equitable Access to Licensing
Barriers to obtaining business and driver’s licenses limit the success of aspiring entrepreneurs.